Universe Holdings focuses on identifying Value Add and Core Plus investment opportunities, using proprietary market analytics to consistently deliver optimized returns through varying economic cycles. Universe Holdings operates within a privately held structure, allowing superior flexibility when sourcing acquisitions and extraordinary agility in executing strategic plans.
Understanding Markets
Universe Holdings has built a reputation for excellence by understanding the compelling fundamentals of strategic investments. This includes identifying submarkets where multifamily lifestyles flourish and executing strategies tailored to each specific property and investment. A few relevant points that define Universe Holdings investment criteria and market interests include:
Opportunistic Investments – Universe Holdings specializes in identifying value-add and core plus, on and off-market multifamily investment opportunities capable of delivering superior returns.
Portfolio Concentration – Universe Holdings focuses its portfolio on high barrier-to-entry markets with strong multifamily fundamentals with a current emphasis on coastal markets on the West Coast and East Coast of the continental United States. We have also been exploring opportunities in the Midwest and Southern states, as these states experience population growth and begin to “tick” a number of our investment criteria.
Market Expansion – Universe Holdings consistently explores new markets, both domestic and international, to identify acquisition opportunities aligned with its time-tested approach to multifamily investment.
Geographic Reach – The company is actively sourcing transactions: up and down the Pacific Coast; across the Western States into the Midwest and Texas; in key Eastern seaboards like New York, New Jersey, and Florida; and internationally beginning with recent investments in Israel.